

CorGen - measuring and generating long-range correlations for DNA sequence analysis

14 years 3 months ago
CorGen - measuring and generating long-range correlations for DNA sequence analysis
CorGen is a web server that measures long-range correlations in the base composition of DNA and generates random sequences with the same correlation parameters. Long-range correlations are characterized by a power-law decay of the auto correlation function of the GC-content. The widespread presence of such correlations in eukaryotic genomes calls for their incorporation into accurate null models of eukaryotic DNA in computational biology. For example, the score statistics of sequence alignment and the performance of motif finding algorithms are significantly affected by the presence of genomic long-range correlations. We use an expansion-randomization dynamics to efficiently generate the correlated random sequences. The server is available at
Philipp W. Messer, Peter F. Arndt
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where NAR
Authors Philipp W. Messer, Peter F. Arndt
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