Results on random oracles typically involve showing that a class {X : P(X)} has Lebesgue measure one, i.e., that some property P(X) holds for “almost every X.” A potentially m...
CorGen is a web server that measures long-range correlations in the base composition of DNA and generates random sequences with the same correlation parameters. Long-range correla...
Abstract. A binary sequence A = A(0)A(1) . . . is called infinitely often (i.o.) Turing-autoreducible if A is reducible to itself via an oracle Turing machine that never queries it...
We review and slightly strengthen known results on the Kolmogorov complexity of prefixes of effectively random sequences. First, there are recursively random random sequences su...
In the theory of algorithmic randomness, several notions of random sequence are defined via a game-theoretic approach, and the notions that received most attention are perhaps Mar...