

Correct Execution of Reconfiguration for Stateful Components

14 years 3 months ago
Correct Execution of Reconfiguration for Stateful Components
In component-based software engineering, reconfiguration describes structural changes to the architecture of a component system. For stateful components, not only structural but also behavioural aspects have to be taken into account in reconfiguration. We present a procedure to conduct reconfiguration in systems of concurrent, stateful components that interferes as little as possible with unchanged subsystems. Reconfiguration is described by a plan for adding, deleting and reconnecting components. A plan is executed by a sequence of simple, local steps, which are suitable for implementation in a programming language. We prove that plan execution is indistinguishable from atomic reconfiguration and use this fact for state-space reduction for verifying properties by model checking.
Moritz Hammer, Alexander Knapp
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Moritz Hammer, Alexander Knapp
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