

CTC: An end-to-end flow control protocol for multi-core systems-on-chip

14 years 8 months ago
CTC: An end-to-end flow control protocol for multi-core systems-on-chip
We propose Connection then Credits (CTC) as a new end-to-end flow control protocol to handle messagedependent deadlocks in networks-on-chip (NoC) for multicore systems-on-chip. CTC is based on the classic end-toend credit-based flow control protocol but differs from it because it uses a network interface micro-architecture where a single credit counter and a single input data queue are shared among all possible communications. This architectural simplification reduces the area occupation of the network interfaces and increases their design reuse: for instance, the same network interface can be used to connect a core independently of the number of incoming and outgoing communications. CTC, however, requires a handshake preamble to initialize the credit counter in the sender network interface based on the buffering capacity of the receiver network interface. While this necessarily introduces a latency overhead in the transfer of a message, simulationbased experimental results show th...
Nicola Concer, Luciano Bononi, Michael Soulie, Ric
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where NOCS
Authors Nicola Concer, Luciano Bononi, Michael Soulie, Riccardo Locatelli, Luca P. Carloni
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