

Curious Snakes: a minimum-latency solution to the cluttered background problem in active contours

14 years 11 months ago
Curious Snakes: a minimum-latency solution to the cluttered background problem in active contours
We present a region-based active contour detection algorithm for objects that exhibit relatively homogeneous photometric characteristics (e.g. smooth color or gray levels), embedded in complex background clutter. Current methods either frame this problem in Bayesian classification terms, where precious modeling resources are expended representing the complex background away from decision boundaries, or use heuristics to limit the search to local regions around the object of interest. We propose an adaptive lookout region, whose size depends on the statistics of the data, that are estimated along with the boundary during the detection process. The result is a “curious snake” that explores the outside of the decision boundary only locally to the extent necessary to achieve a good tradeoff between missed detections and narrowest “lookout” region, drawing inspiration from the literature of minimum-latency set-point change detection and robust statistics. This develo...
Ganesh Sundaramoorthi, Stefano Soatto, Anthony Yez
Added 02 Apr 2010
Updated 14 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CVPR
Authors Ganesh Sundaramoorthi, Stefano Soatto, Anthony Yezzi
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