

Current and charge estimation in CMOS circuits

14 years 7 months ago
Current and charge estimation in CMOS circuits
: CMOS circuits have significant amounts of dynamic short-circuit (or through) current. This can be as large as 20% of the total in well-designed circuits, and up to 80% of the total in circuits that have not been designed carefully. This current depends strongly on the relative sizes of the pull-up to pull-down paths. We introduce the dynamic short-circuit ratio to model this parameter. This allows accurate estimation of currents including the dynamic short-circuit current, and also results in improved delay estimation. Accuracy is typically within 10% of circuit-level simulation while operating at the evel abstraction.
Sanjay Dhar, Dave J. Gurney
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Sanjay Dhar, Dave J. Gurney
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