

The cycle structure of two rows in a random Latin square

14 years 2 months ago
The cycle structure of two rows in a random Latin square
Let L be chosen uniformly at random from among the latin squares of order n 4 and let r, s be arbitrary distinct rows of L. We study the distribution of r,s, the permutation of the symbols of L which maps r to s. We show that for any constant c > 0, the following events hold with probability 1 - o(1) as n : (i) r,s has more than (log n)1-c cycles, (ii) r,s has fewer than 9 n cycles, (iii) L has fewer than 9 2 n5/2 intercalates (latin subsquares of order 2). We also show that the probability that r,s is an even permutation lies in an interval [1 4 - o(1), 3 4 + o(1)] and the probability that it has a single cycle lies in [2n-2, 2n-2/3]. Indeed, we show that almost all derangements have similar probability (within a factor of n3/2) of occurring as r,s as they do if chosen uniformly at random from among all derangements of {1, 2, . . . , n}. We conjecture that r,s shares the asymptotic distribution of a random derangement. Finally, we give computational data on the cycle structure ...
Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Catherine S. Greenhill, Ian
Added 28 Dec 2010
Updated 28 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where RSA
Authors Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Catherine S. Greenhill, Ian M. Wanless
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