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ABSTRACT: Caching is widely recognized as an effective mechanism for improving the performance of the World Wide Web. One of the key components in engineering the Web caching syste...
: In this article, we initiate a systematic study of graph resilience. The (local) resilience of a graph G with respect to a property P measures how much one has to change G (local...
In this paper we introduce a new random mapping model, T ^D n , which maps the set {1, 2, ..., n} into itself. The random mapping T ^D n is constructed using a collection of excha...
Let L be chosen uniformly at random from among the latin squares of order n 4 and let r, s be arbitrary distinct rows of L. We study the distribution of r,s, the permutation of t...
Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Catherine S. Greenhill, Ian ...
In this paper we continue the combinatorial study of models of particles jumping on a row of cells which we initiated with the standard totally asymmetric exclusion process or TASE...
For a graph property P, the edit distance of a graph G from P, denoted EP (G), is the minimum number of edge modifications (additions or deletions) one needs to apply to G in orde...
Let I be a random 3CNF formula generated by choosing a truth assignment for variables x1, . . . , xn uniformly at random and including every clause with i literals set true by w...