

Database Support for Haptic Exploration in Very Large Virtual Environments

14 years 8 months ago
Database Support for Haptic Exploration in Very Large Virtual Environments
The efficient management of complex objects has become an enabling technology for modern multimedia information systems as well as for many novel database applications. Unfortunately, the integration of modern database systems into human centered virtual reality applications including multimodal simulations fails to achieve the indispensably required interactive response times. In this paper, we present an approach which achieves efficient query processing along with industrial-strength database support for real time haptic rendering systems which compute force feedback (haptic display). Our approach externalizes and accelerates the approved main-memory Voxmap-PointShellTM (VPS) approach. We group numerous independent database queries together according to a cost model which takes statistical information reflecting the actual data distribution into account. The performance of our approach is experimentally evaluated using a realistic data-set CAR, provided by our industrial partner, a...
Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle,
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where MMM
Authors Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peter Kunath, Martin Pfeifle, Matthias Renz
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