

Decentralized resource management for multi-core desktop grids

14 years 23 days ago
Decentralized resource management for multi-core desktop grids
The majority of CPUs now sold contain multiple computing cores. However, current desktop grid computing systems either ignore the multiplicity of cores, or treat them as distinct, independent machines. The former approach ignores the resource contention present between cores in a single CPU, while the latter approach fails to take advantage of significant computing power. We propose a decentralized resource management framework for exploiting multi-core nodes in peer-to-peer grids. We present two new load-balancing schemes that explicitly account for the resource sharing and contention of multiple cores, and propose a simple simulation model that can represent a continuum of resource sharing among cores of a CPU. We use simulation to confirm that our two algorithms match jobs with computing nodes efficiently, and balance load during the lifetime of the computing jobs.
Jaehwan Lee, Peter J. Keleher, Alan Sussman
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IPPS
Authors Jaehwan Lee, Peter J. Keleher, Alan Sussman
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