The number of cores in a single chip multiprocessor is expected to grow in coming years. Likewise, aggregate on-chip cache capacity is increasing fast and its effective utilizatio...
Composable multicore systems merge multiple independent cores for running sequential single-threaded workloads. The performance scalability of these systems, however, is limited d...
Behnam Robatmili, Madhu Saravana Sibi Govindan, Do...
Abstract--As multicore processors are deployed in mainstream computing, the need for software tools to help parallelize programs is increasing dramatically. Data-dependence profili...
Topology virtualization techniques are proposed for NoCbased many-core processors with core-level redundancy to isolate hardware changes caused by on-chip defective cores. Prior w...
Lei Zhang 0008, Yue Yu, Jianbo Dong, Yinhe Han, Sh...
Improvements at the physical network layer have enabled technologies such as 10 Gigabit Ethernet. Single core end-systems are unable to fully utilise these networks, due to limite...
The majority of CPUs now sold contain multiple computing cores. However, current desktop grid computing systems either ignore the multiplicity of cores, or treat them as distinct,...
In this paper, we introduce a new method for watermarking of IP cores for FPGA architectures where the signature (watermark) is detected at the power supply pins of the FPGA. This ...
An increasing part of microelectronic systems is implemented on the basis of predesigned and preverified modules, so-called cores, which are reused in many instances. Core-provide...
The extremely high cost of custom ASIC fabrication makes FPGAs an attractive alternative for deployment of custom hardware. Embedded systems based on reconfigurable hardware integ...
Ted Huffmire, Brett Brotherton, Nick Callegari, Jo...
Distributed processors must balance communication and concurrency. When dividing instructions among the processors, key factors are the available concurrency, criticality of depen...
Behnam Robatmili, Katherine E. Coons, Doug Burger,...