

A Decision Support System (DSS) for the Railway Scheduling Problem

14 years 4 months ago
A Decision Support System (DSS) for the Railway Scheduling Problem
The recent deregulation occurred in the public railway sector in many parts of the world has increased the awareness of this sector of the need for quality service that must be oered to its customers. In this paper, we present a software system for solving and plotting the Single-Track Railway Scheduling Problem eciently and quickly. The problem is formulated as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP), which must be optimized. The solving process uses dierent stages to translate the problem into mathematical models, which are solved to optimality by means of mixed integer programming tools. The Decision Support System (DSS) we present allows the user to interactively specify the parameters of the problem, guarantees that constraints are satised and plots the optimized timetable obtained.
Laura Paola Ingolotti, María Pilar Tormos,
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where IFIP12
Authors Laura Paola Ingolotti, María Pilar Tormos, Antonio Luis Lova, Federico Barber, Miguel A. Salido, Montserrat Abril
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