

Deploying sensor networks with guaranteed fault tolerance

14 years 20 days ago
Deploying sensor networks with guaranteed fault tolerance
—We consider the problem of deploying or repairing a sensor network to guarantee a specified level of multi-path connectivity (k-connectivity) between all nodes. Such a guarantee simultaneously provides fault tolerance against node failures and high overall network capacity (by the max-flow min-cut theorem). We design and analyze the first algorithms that place an almostminimum number of additional sensors to augment an existing network into a k-connected network, for any desired parameter k. Our algorithms have provable guarantees on the quality of the solution. Specifically, we prove that the number of additional sensors is within a constant factor of the absolute minimum, for any fixed k. We have implemented greedy and distributed versions of this algorithm, and demonstrate in simulation that they produce high-quality placements for the additional sensors.
Jonathan Bredin, Erik D. Demaine, Mohammad Taghi H
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TON
Authors Jonathan Bredin, Erik D. Demaine, Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi, Daniela Rus
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