

Design automation for mask programmable fabrics

15 years 1 months ago
Design automation for mask programmable fabrics
Programmable circuit design has played an important role in improving design productivity over the last few decades. By imposing structure on the design, efficient automation of synthesis, placement and routing is possible. We focus on a class of programmable circuits known as mask programmable circuits. In this paper, we describe key issues in design and tool methodology that need to be addressed in creating a programmable fabric. We construct an efficient design flow that can explore different logic and routing architectures. The main advantage of our work is that we tailor tools designed for standard cell design, that are readily available in the market, to work on a programmable fabric. Our flow requires some additional software capability. A special router that understands programmable routing constructs to complete connections is described. In addition, a tool that packs logic efficiently after synthesis is also presented. Categories and Subject Descriptors: B.7.1 [Hardware]: IN...
Narendra V. Shenoy, Jamil Kawa, Raul Camposano
Added 13 Nov 2009
Updated 13 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DAC
Authors Narendra V. Shenoy, Jamil Kawa, Raul Camposano
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