

The Design of Mixed Use Virtual Auditory Displays: Recent Findings with a Dual-Task Paradigm

14 years 3 months ago
The Design of Mixed Use Virtual Auditory Displays: Recent Findings with a Dual-Task Paradigm
In the third of an ongoing series of exploratory sound information display studies, we augmented a dual task with a mixed-use auditory display designed to provide relevant alert information for each task. The tasks entail a continuous tracking activity and a series of intermittent classification decisions that, in the present study, were presented on separate monitors that were roughly 90
Derek P. Brock, James A. Ballas, Janet L. Stroup,
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICAD
Authors Derek P. Brock, James A. Ballas, Janet L. Stroup, Brian McClimens
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