

Designing familiar open surfaces

14 years 6 months ago
Designing familiar open surfaces
While participatory design makes end-users part of the design process, we might also want the resulting system to be open for interpretation, appropriation and change over time to reflect its usage. But how can we design for appropriation? We need to strike a good balance between making the user an active co-constructor of system functionality versus making a too strong, interpretative design that does it all for the user thereby inhibiting their own creative use of the system. Through revisiting five systems in which appropriation has happened both within and outside the intended use, we are going to show how it can be possible to design with open surfaces. These open surfaces have to be such that users can fill them with their own interpretation and content, they should be familiar to the user, resonating with their real world practice and understanding, thereby shaping its use. Author Keywords Design for interpretation, open surfaces, appropriation ACM Classification Keywords H5.m....
Kristina Höök
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Kristina Höök
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