Informal educational experiences with grandparents and other older adults can be an important component of childrens education, especially in circumstances where high quality educational services and facilities are not readily available. Mobile devices offer unique capabilities to support such interactions. We report on an ongoing participatory design project with an intergenerational design group to create mobile applications for reading and editing books, or even creating all new stories on an Apple iPhone. AUTHOR KEYWORDS Intergenerational design, mobile reading, digital libraries, storytelling, participatory design, children, design, mobile user interfaces, iPhone. ACM CLASSIFICATION KEYWORDS H.5.2. User Interfaces: User-centered design, prototyping THE NEED FOR RESEARCH From the Middle East to northern Africa, to right here in the United States, the worlds children are growing up impacted by conflict, poverty, and lack of school resources [1, 4, 12]. The 20th century model of shi...
Allison Druin, Benjamin B. Bederson, Alexander J.