

Detecting Carried Objects in Short Video Sequences

15 years 11 months ago
Detecting Carried Objects in Short Video Sequences
We propose a new method for detecting objects such as bags carried by pedestrians depicted in short video sequences. In common with earlier work on the same problem, the method starts by averaging aligned foreground regions of a walking pedestrian to produce a representation of motion and shape (known as a temporal template) that has some immunity to noise in foreground segmentations and phase of the walking cycle. Our key novelty is for carried objects to be revealed by comparing the temporal templates against view-specific exemplars generated offline for unencumbered pedestrians. A likelihood map obtained from this match is combined in a Markov random field with a map of prior probabilities for carried objects and a spatial continuity assumption, from which we obtain a segmentation of carried objects using the MAP solution. We have re-implemented the earlier state of the art method and demonstrate a substantial improvement in performance for the new method on the challenging PETS200...
Dima Damen, David Hogg
Added 13 Jan 2009
Updated 13 Jan 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ECCV
Authors Dima Damen, David Hogg
Comments (2)
msabry.jpgVery Interesting!

During my Phd, I read "Backpack: Detection of People Carrying Objects Using Silhouettes". I think your results are more impressive.

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Yup, that is the only work tackling the problem (Haritaoglu 2000)... Their basic assumption (symmetry) results in lots of failures...

Thanks for your interest,

Dima Damen PhD Student in Computer Vision School of Computing University of Leeds, UK

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