

Detecting Global Stride Locality in Value Streams

14 years 7 months ago
Detecting Global Stride Locality in Value Streams
Value prediction exploits localities in value streams. Previous research focused on exploiting two types of value localities, computational and context-based, in the local value history, which is the value sequence produced by the same instruction that is being predicted. Besides the local value history, value locality also exists in the global value history, which is the value sequence produced by all dynamic instructions according to their execution order. In this paper, a new type value locality, the computational locality in the global value history is studied. A novel prediction scheme, called the gDiff predictor, is designed to exploit one special and most common case of this computational model, the stridebased computation, in the global value history. Such a scheme provides a general framework to exploit global stride locality in any value stream. Experiments show that there exists very strong stride type of locality in global value sequences. Ideally, the gDiff predictor can ...
Huiyang Zhou, Jill Flanagan, Thomas M. Conte
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ISCA
Authors Huiyang Zhou, Jill Flanagan, Thomas M. Conte
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