

Dialectical Proofs for Constrained Argumentation

13 years 9 months ago
Dialectical Proofs for Constrained Argumentation
Abstract. Constrained argumentation frameworks (CAF) generalize Dung's frameworks by allowing additional constraints on arguments to be taken into account in the definition of acceptability of arguments. These constraints are expressed by means of a logical formula which is added to Dung's framework. The resulting system captures several other extensions of Dung's original system. To determine if a set of arguments is credulously inferred from a CAF, the notion of dialectical proof (alternating pros and cons arguments) is extended for Dung's frameworks in order to respect the additional constraint. The new constrained dialectical proofs are computed by using Answer Set Programming. Keywords. Formal models for argumentation, dialogue, implementation, ASP.
Caroline Devred, Sylvie Doutre, Claire Lefè
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Caroline Devred, Sylvie Doutre, Claire Lefèvre, Pascal Nicolas
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