

Dictionary learning of convolved signals

13 years 4 months ago
Dictionary learning of convolved signals
Assuming that a set of source signals is sparsely representable in a given dictionary, we show how their sparse recovery fails whenever we can only measure a convolved observation of them. Starting from this motivation, we develop a block coordinate descent method which aims to learn a convolved dictionary and provide a sparse representation of the observed signals with small residual norm. We compare the proposed approach to the K-SVD dictionary learning algorithm and show through numerical experiment on synthetic signals that, provided some conditions on the problem data, our technique converges in a fixed number of iterations to a sparse representation with smaller residual norm.
Daniele Barchiesi, Mark D. Plumbley
Added 20 Aug 2011
Updated 20 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Daniele Barchiesi, Mark D. Plumbley
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