

Dihedral Escherization

14 years 1 months ago
Dihedral Escherization
"Escherization" [9] is a process that finds an Escher-like tiling of the plane from tiles that resemble a user-supplied goal shape. We show how the original Escherization algorithm can be adapted to the dihedral case, producing tilings with two distinct shapes. We use a form of the adapted algorithm to create drawings in the style of Escher's print Sky and Water. Finally, we develop an Escherization algorithm for the very different case of Penrose's aperiodic tilings. Key words: Tilings, tessellations, Escher, aperiodic, Penrose tilings
Craig S. Kaplan, David Salesin
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Craig S. Kaplan, David Salesin
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