

Discovering strategic multi-agent behavior in a robotic soccer domain

14 years 8 months ago
Discovering strategic multi-agent behavior in a robotic soccer domain
2. THE MASM ALGORITHM An input to the MASM algorithm is a time-annotated multi-agent action sequence. The action sequence is then transformed into an action graph. An action graph is a directed graph, where nodes represent agent actions. Nodes a and b are connected, a → b, if action b occurs directly after action a. The position of each node corresponds to the agent position when performing action represented by the node. The process of constructing an action graph from a multi-agent action sequence is presented in work from Bezek [2.]. This paper presents a method for multi-agent strategic modeling (MASM) applied in a robotic soccer domain. The method transforms multi-agent action sequences into a visual graph-based diagram, called action graph. Graph nodes are further augmented with additional domain knowledge. Using hierarchical clustering, action graph nodes are merged by utilizing domain-specific function. This step results in an abstract graphical model of agent behavior. Then,...
Andraz Bezek
Added 29 Jun 2010
Updated 29 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ATAL
Authors Andraz Bezek
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