

Discovering users' specific geo intention in web search

15 years 15 days ago
Discovering users' specific geo intention in web search
Discovering users' specific and implicit geographic intention in web search can greatly help satisfy users' information needs. We build a geo intent analysis system that uses minimal supervision to learn a model from large amounts of web-search logs for this discovery. We build a city language model, which is a probabilistic representation of the language surrounding the mention of a city in web queries. We use several features derived from these language models to: (1) identify users' implicit geo intent and pinpoint the city corresponding to this intent, (2) determine whether the geo-intent is localized around the users' current geographic location, (3) predict cities for queries that have a mention of an entity that is located in a specific place. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of using features derived from the city language model. We find that (1) the system has over 90% precision and more than 74% accuracy for the task of detecting users&#...
Xing Yi, Hema Raghavan, Chris Leggetter
Added 21 Nov 2009
Updated 21 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where WWW
Authors Xing Yi, Hema Raghavan, Chris Leggetter
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