

Displaying Digital Documents on Real Paper Surface with Arbitrary Shape

14 years 7 months ago
Displaying Digital Documents on Real Paper Surface with Arbitrary Shape
In this paper, we propose a system that displays digital documents on real paper surface with arbitrary shape, so that the viewer can feel as if the digital document images are printed on the real paper surface. Such displaying of the digital documents is realized by rendering the document images on the arbitrary shaped surface via a projector. We apply a homography between a source image plane and a projector image plane to render the images on the surface. For adapting the arbitrary shape of the surface, we divide the shaped surface into many small rectangular regions, and generate warp image of each region by calculating this homography of the plane of each divided region. By projecting the warp image on the real surface, the image can be observed as if the image is printed on the surface. Since the system always compute the homography of each divided region, the image can be aligned onto the surface even the surface moves.
Shinichiro Hirooka, Hideo Saito
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Shinichiro Hirooka, Hideo Saito
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