
8 years 11 months ago
On Control Interfaces for the Robotic Sixth Finger
In this demo, we present two possible control interfaces for a robotic extra-finger called the Robotic Sixth Finger. One interface is an instrumented glove able to measure the hu...
Irfan Hussain, Gionata Salvietti, Domenico Prattic...
8 years 11 months ago
Laplacian Vision: Augmenting Motion Prediction via Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays
Na¨ıve physics [7], or folk physics, is our ability to understand physical phenomena. We regularly use this ability in life to avoid collisions in traffic, follow a tennis ball ...
Yuta Itoh, Jason Orlosky, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Gudrun...
8 years 11 months ago
Haptic Assistive Bracelets for Blind Skier Guidance
Blindness dramatically limits quality of life of individuals and has profound implications for the person affected and the society as a whole. Physical mobility and exercises are...
Marco Aggravi, Gionata Salvietti, Domenico Prattic...
8 years 11 months ago
Improvements on a Novel Hybrid Tracking System
Today’s tracking systems typically require a fixed installation in a room in order to not drift quadratically with time like common inertia measurement units. This makes tracki...
Markus Zank, Leyla Kern, Andreas M. Kunz
11 years 8 months ago
"The Smart Bookshelf: A study of camera projector scene augmentation of an everyday environment
Recent research in projector-camera systems has overcome many of the obstacles to deploying and using intelligent displays for a wide range of applications. In parallel with these...
Danny Crasto, Amit Kale and Christopher Jaynes

Source Code
12 years 9 months ago
GPUMarkerTracker is a tracking software library for AR (augmented reality) markers. It utilizes GPGPU for fast and accurate tracking. It is intended for detecting markers from an H...
14 years 1 months ago
On-line visualization of underground structures using context features
We introduce an on-line framework for the visualizing of underground structures that improves X-Ray vision and Focus and Context Rendering for Augmented Reality. Our approach does...
Jiazhou Chen, Xavier Granier, Naiyang Lin, Qunshen...
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14 years 1 months ago
Bateau ivre: an artistic markerless outdoor mobile augmented reality installation on a riverboat
Bateau Ivre is a project presented on the Seine River to make a large audience aware of the possible developments of Augmented Reality through an artistic installation in a mobile...
Christian Jacquemin, Wai Kit Chan, Matthieu Courge...
14 years 1 months ago
The Reading Glove: designing interactions for object-based tangible storytelling
In this paper we describe a prototype Tangible User Interface (TUI) for interactive storytelling that explores the semantic properties of tangible interactions using the fictional...
Joshua Tanenbaum, Karen Tanenbaum, Alissa Nicole A...
14 years 1 months ago
On-line document registering and retrieving system for AR annotation overlay
We propose a system that registers and retrieves text documents to annotate them on-line. The user registers a text document captured from a nearly top view and adds virtual annot...
Hideaki Uchiyama, Julien Pilet, Hideo Saito