

Distributed Interference Pricing for the MIMO Interference Channel

14 years 9 months ago
Distributed Interference Pricing for the MIMO Interference Channel
Abstract—We study distributed algorithms for updating transmit precoding matrices for a two-user Multi-Input/Multi-Output (MIMO) interference channel. Our objective is to maximize the sum rate with linear Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) receivers, treating the interference as additive Gaussian noise. An iterative approach is considered in which given a set of precoding matrices and powers, each receiver announces an interference price (marginal decrease in rate due to an increase in interference) for each received beam, corresponding to a column of the precoding matrix. Given the interference prices from the neighboring receiver, and also knowledge of the appropriate cross-channel matrices, the transmitter can then update the beams and powers to maximize the rate minus the interference cost. Variations on this approach are presented in which beams are added sequentially (and then fixed), and in which all beams and associated powers are adjusted at each iteration. Numerical results...
Changxin Shi, David A. Schmidt, Randall A. Berry,
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICC
Authors Changxin Shi, David A. Schmidt, Randall A. Berry, Michael L. Honig, Wolfgang Utschick
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