

Document reconstruction using dynamic programming

14 years 7 months ago
Document reconstruction using dynamic programming
In this work we propose a methodology for document reconstruction based on dynamic programming and a modified version of the Prim’s algorithm. Firstly, we use polygonal approximation to reduce the complexity of the boundaries and extract features from them. Thereafter, these features are used to feed the LCS dynamic programming algorithm. The scores yielded by the LCS algorithm are then used into a modified Prim’s algorithm to find the best match among all pieces. Comprehensive experiments on a database composed of 100 shredded documents support the efficiency of the proposed methodology. When compared to global search algorithms, this approach brings an improvement of 18% in the number of fragments reconstructed.
Andre Pimenta, Edson J. R. Justino, Luiz S. Olivei
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Andre Pimenta, Edson J. R. Justino, Luiz S. Oliveira, Robert Sabourin
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