

Dynamic path planning with multi-agent data fusion - The Parallel Hierarchical Replanner

14 years 1 months ago
Dynamic path planning with multi-agent data fusion - The Parallel Hierarchical Replanner
The design of a hierarchical planning system in which each level operates in parallel and communicates asynchronously is presented. It is shown that this Parallel Hierarchical Replanner is both reactive, and as close to optimal over all information in the state space as is possible given finite computational power. A comparison with three other hierarchical methods is presented, which demonstrates that for scenarios in which the time taken to achieve a mission goal is of greater importance than the cost incurred, this approach has better performance than related methods in the literature.
Thomas Allen, Andrew Hill, James Patrick Underwood
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Thomas Allen, Andrew Hill, James Patrick Underwood, Steve Scheding
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