

Effective Error Diagnosis for RTL Designs in HDLs

14 years 5 months ago
Effective Error Diagnosis for RTL Designs in HDLs
We propose an effective approach to diagnose multiple design errors in HDL designs with only one erroneous test case. Error candidates will be greatly reduced while ensuring that true erroneous statements are included in. The probability of correctness for each potential erroneous statement will be estimated such that the most suspected statements are reported first. Experiments show that the size of error candidates is indeed small and the estimation for the probability of correctness for potential error candidates is accurate.
Tai-Ying Jiang, Chien-Nan Jimmy Liu, Jing-Yang Jou
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ATS
Authors Tai-Ying Jiang, Chien-Nan Jimmy Liu, Jing-Yang Jou
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