

Effects of Friction Parameters on Completion Times for Sustained Planar Positioning Tasks with a Haptic Interface

14 years 8 months ago
Effects of Friction Parameters on Completion Times for Sustained Planar Positioning Tasks with a Haptic Interface
— Haptic interface devices and teleoperation masters are multiple degree of freedom devices manipulated by an operator to generate realtime motion commands to simulated environments or robot manipulators. In this work we examine the relationship between the simulated friction parameters of a particular spatial positioning master device and the completion times of planar positioning tasks by human operators. It is expected that increasing the Coulomb or viscous friction of the device would tend to increase the completion times of less difficult, quicker positioning tasks and decrease completion times for more difficult fine positioning tasks requiring higher precision from the operator. A common haptic interface device was used to perform continuous sequences of planar positioning tasks. Each trial required 10-12 minutes to complete and consisted of 15 positioning sequences which varied in the size of the target regions and the magnitude and type of simulated friction in the device...
Peter J. Berkelman, Ji Ma
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IROS
Authors Peter J. Berkelman, Ji Ma
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