

An efficient algorithm for informed embedding of dirty-paper trellis codes for watermarking

15 years 1 months ago
An efficient algorithm for informed embedding of dirty-paper trellis codes for watermarking
Dirty paper trellis codes are a form of watermarking with side information. These codes have the advantage of being invariant to valumetric scaling of the cover Work. However, the original proposal requires a computational expensive second stage, informed embedding, to embed the chosen code into the cover Work. In this paper, we present a computational efficient algorithm for informed embedding. This is accomplished by recognizing that all possible code words are uniformly distributed on the surface of a high n-dimensional sphere. Each codeword is then contained within an (n - 1)dimensional region which defines an n-dimensional cone with the centre of the sphere. This approximates the detection region. This is equivalent to the detection region for normalized correlation detection, for which there are known analytic methods to embed a watermark in a cover Work. We use a previously described technique for embedding with a constant robustness. However, rather than moving the cover Work ...
Gwenaël J. Doërr, Ingemar J. Cox, Lin Li
Added 23 Oct 2009
Updated 23 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICIP
Authors Gwenaël J. Doërr, Ingemar J. Cox, Lin Lin, Matthew L. Miller
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