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Mining repeated patterns in television broadcast is important to advertisers in tracking a large number of television commercials. It can also benefit long-term archival of telev...
Infinitely divisible cascades (IDC) were first introduced in one dimension to provide multifractal time series to model the so-called intermittency phenomenon in hydrodynamical ...
Averaging, filtering and interpolation of 3-D object orientation data is important in both computer vision and computer graphics, for instance to smooth estimates of object orien...
Anders Brun, Carl-Fredrik Westin, Steven Haker, Ha...
In this work, we focus our interest on blind source camera identification problem by extending our results in the direction of [1]. The interpolation in the color surface of an im...
Sevinc Bayram, Husrev T. Sencar, Nasir D. Memon, I...
Accurate human body posture refinement from single or multiple images is essential in many applications, such as vision-based sport coaching and physical rehabilitation. Two main...
We present a computer vision system that associates omnidirectional vision with structured light with the aim of obtaining depth information for a 360 degrees field of view.The a...
Radu Orghidan, Joaquim Salvi, El Mustapha Mouaddib
This paper presents a novel technique for 2D human motion estimation using a single non calibrated camera. The user’s five crucial human features (head, hands and feet) are ext...
Pedro Correa, Jacek Czyz, Toshiyuki Umeda, Ferran ...
We address the reconstruction of a 3D image from a set of incomplete X-ray tomographic data. In the case where the image is composed of one or several objects lying in a uniform b...
The problem of adjusting the color such that the output image from a digital camera, viewed under a standard condition, matches the scene observed by the photographer’s eye is c...
Abstract— In this paper, we describe a two-step varianceadaptive method for image denoising based on a statistical model of the coefficients of balanced multiwavelet transform. ...