

Efficient Collision Detection between 2D Polygons

14 years 5 months ago
Efficient Collision Detection between 2D Polygons
Collision detection between moving objects is an open question which raises major problems concerning its algorithmic complexity. In this paper we present a polygon collision detection algorithm which uses polygon decomposition through triangle coverings and polygon influence areas (implemented by signs of barycentric coordinates). By using influence areas and the temporal and spatial coherence property, the amount of time needed to detect a collision between objects is reduced. By means of these techniques, a valid representation for any kind of polygon is obtained, whether concave or convex, manifold or non-manifold, with or without holes, as well as a collision detection algorithm for this type of figures. This detection algorithm has been compared with the well-known PIVOT2D [Hof01] one and better results have been achieved in most situations. This improvement together with its possible extension to 3D makes it an attractive method because pre-processing of the polygons is no long...
Juan José Jiménez, Rafael Jesú
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WSCG
Authors Juan José Jiménez, Rafael Jesús Segura, Francisco R. Feito
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