

Efficient Learning Algorithms Yield Circuit Lower Bounds

14 years 6 months ago
Efficient Learning Algorithms Yield Circuit Lower Bounds
We describe a new approach for understanding the difficulty of designing efficient learning algorithms. We prove that the existence of an efficient learning algorithm for a circuit class C in Angluin's model of exact learning from membership and equivalence queries or in Valiant's PAC model yields a lower bound against C. More specifically, we prove that any subexponential time, determinstic exact learning algorithm for C (from membership and equivalence queries) implies the existence of a function f in EXPNP such that f C. If C is PAC learnable with membership queries under the uniform distribution or Exact learnable in randomized polynomial time, we prove that there exists a function f BPEXP (the exponential time analog of BPP) such that f C. For C equal to polynomial-size, depth-two threshold circuits (i.e., neural networks with a polynomial number of hidden nodes), our result shows that efficient learning algorithms for this class would solve one of the most challengi...
Lance Fortnow, Adam R. Klivans
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where COLT
Authors Lance Fortnow, Adam R. Klivans
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