

Efficient model order reduction via multi-node moment matching

15 years 1 days ago
Efficient model order reduction via multi-node moment matching
- The new concept of Multi-node Moment Matching (MMM) is introduced in this paper. The MMM technique simultaneously matches the moments at several nodes of a circuit using explicit moment matching around s=0. As compared to the well-known Single-point Moment Matching (SMM) techniques (such as AWE), MMM has several advantages. First, the number of moments required by MMM is significantly lower than SMM for a reduced order model of the same accuracy, which directly translates into computational efficiency. This higher computational efficiency of MMM as compared to SMM increases with the number of inputs to the circuit. Second, MMM has much better numerical stability as compared to SMM. This characteristic allows MMM to calculate an arbitrarily high order approximation of a linear system, achieving the required accuracy for systems with complex responses. Finally, MMM is highly suitable for parallel processing techniques especially for higher order approximations while SMM has to calculat...
Yehea I. Ismail
Added 16 Mar 2010
Updated 16 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Yehea I. Ismail
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