

Electronic government and social control of the state

14 years 1 months ago
Electronic government and social control of the state
The aim of this paper is to discourse about the utilization of electronic government as an instrument of State's social control, with the intensification of the use of information and communication technologies in government activities. The subject is theoretically placed in relation to the concept of electronic democracy proposed by HAGEN. It is exposed, in federal government activities in the "Programa Brasil Transparente" (Transparent Brazil Program) scope, the role of the State as an enabling agent for Social Control. Specific proposes and actions triggered by the Brazilian Federal Government in the achievement of its fiscal transparency and social control proposals are also addressed. Society organization for the exercise of control over the State is a subject also addressed as a separated item. The conclusion reached is that governmental initiatives for social control lack in a greater participation of civil society, because of its necessity of more understanding ...
Robert Willecke, Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Marco Aur&eac
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Robert Willecke, Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Marco Aurélio Zimmermann
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