

Electronic Markets for Public Services: The Complexity of Market Makers' Motives

14 years 1 months ago
Electronic Markets for Public Services: The Complexity of Market Makers' Motives
This study contributes to the field of electronic government by discussing the concept of electronic markets for public services. Through the study the market makers' roles in the construction of electronic markets for public services are illuminated using the quasi-market for education in Sweden as an example. The study is based on a constructivist perspective on markets and electronic marketplaces emphasizing their negotiated and constructed nature. It demonstrates that electronic market makers in quasi-markets are involved in processes of construction driven by economic motives, but also service, networking, institutional and ideological ones. The electronic markets are important elements in the construction of a quasi-market, affecting actors with relevance to this such as politicians regulating the quasi-market, but also sellers (service providers) and buyers (citizens) herein. KEYWORDS Electronic markets, quasi-markets, market makers, motives
Agneta Ranerup
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Agneta Ranerup
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