

ELM: the status of the 2010 eukaryotic linear motif resource

13 years 10 months ago
ELM: the status of the 2010 eukaryotic linear motif resource
Linear motifs are short segments of multidomain proteins that provide regulatory functions independently of protein tertiary structure. Much of intracellular signalling passes through protein modifications at linear motifs. Many thousands of linear motif instances, most notably phosphorylation sites, have now been reported. Although clearly very abundant, linear motifs are difficult to predict de novo in protein sequences due to the difficulty of obtaining robust statistical assessments. The ELM resource at provides an expanding knowledge base, currently covering 146 known motifs, with annotation that includes >1300 experimentally reported instances. ELM is also an exploratory tool for suggesting new candidates of known linear motifs in proteins of interest. Information about protein domains, protein structure and native disorder, cellular and taxonomic contexts is used to reduce or deprecate false positive matches. Results are graphically displayed in a `Bar Cod...
Cathryn M. Gould, Francesca Diella, Allegra Via, P
Added 20 May 2011
Updated 20 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where NAR
Authors Cathryn M. Gould, Francesca Diella, Allegra Via, Pål Puntervoll, Christine Gemünd, Sophie Chabanis-Davidson, Sushama Michael, Ahmed Sayadi, Jan Christian Bryne, Claudia Chica, Markus Seiler, Norman E. Davey, Niall J. Haslam, Robert J. Weatheritt, Aidan Budd, Tim Hughes, Jakub Pas, Leszek Rychlewski, Gilles Travé, Rein Aasland, Manuela Helmer-Citterich, Rune Linding, Toby J. Gibson
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