

Enabling teachers to explore grade patterns to identify individual needs and promote fairer student assessment

14 years 3 months ago
Enabling teachers to explore grade patterns to identify individual needs and promote fairer student assessment
Exploring student test, homework, and other assessment scores is a challenge for most teachers, especially when attempting to identify cross-assessment weaknesses and produce final course grades. During the course, teachers need to identify subject weaknesses in order to help students who are struggling with a particular topic. This identification often needs to happen across multiple assessment data points and should be considered in comparison to the class's progress as a whole. When determining grades, fairness to all is essential, but there are special needs for students who did poorly on one exam or had a steadily increasing grasp of the subject. We present eduViz, a visualization tool designed to help teachers explore and assign grades. Teachers can see the trajectory of student scores, the relationship of a particular student to the class, and use categories they have defined in order to filter their assessment information. Query response is immediate and all logical compa...
Sorelle A. Friedler, Yee Lin Tan, Nir J. Peer, Ben
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CE
Authors Sorelle A. Friedler, Yee Lin Tan, Nir J. Peer, Ben Shneiderman
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