Continuing advances in semiconductor technology and demand for higher performance will lead to more powerful, superpipelined and wider issue processors. Instruction caches in such processors will consume a significant fraction of the on-chip energy due to very wide fetch on each cycle. This paper proposes a new energy-effective design of the fetch unit that exploits the fact that not all instructions in a given I-cache fetch line are used due to taken branches. A Fetch Mask Determination unit is proposed to detect which instructions in an I-cache access will actually be used to avoid fetching any of the other instructions. The solution is evaluated for a 4-, 8- and 16-wide issue processor in 100nm technology. Results show an average improvement in the Icache Energy-Delay product of 20% for the 8-wide issue processor and 33% for the 16-wide issue processor for the SPEC2000, with no negative impact on performance.
Juan L. Aragón, Alexander V. Veidenbaum