

Event-Driven Power Management of Portable Systems

14 years 6 months ago
Event-Driven Power Management of Portable Systems
The policy optimization problem for dynamic power management has received considerable attention in the recent past. We formulate policy optimization as a constrained optimization problem on continuous-time SemiMarkov decision processes (SMDP). SMDPs generalize the stochastic optimization approach based on discrete-time Markov decision processes (DTMDP) presented in the earlier work by relaxing two limiting assumptions. In SMDPs, decisions are made at each event occurrence instead of at each discrete time interval as in DTMDP, thus saving power and giving higher performance. In addition, SMDPs can have general inter-state transition time distributions, allowing for greater generality and accuracy in modeling reallife systems where transition times between power states are not geometrically distributed.
Tajana Simunic, Giovanni De Micheli, Luca Benini
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where ISSS
Authors Tajana Simunic, Giovanni De Micheli, Luca Benini
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