

An Event-Synchronization Protocol for Parallel Simulation of Large-Scale Wireless Networks

14 years 5 months ago
An Event-Synchronization Protocol for Parallel Simulation of Large-Scale Wireless Networks
We present a new conservative event-synchronization protocol, time-based synchronization, for parallel discreteevent simulation of mobile ad hoc wireless networks. Simulators that use our protocol proceed at a scaled version of real time and send messages that correspond only to transmissions in the simulated network. We show that such simulators can maintain a constant execution time even as the sizes of the networks that they simulate grow. Moreover, we show that these simulators, when executed on a custom parallel architecture, are capable of simulating many networks faster than real time.
Clinton Kelly IV, Rajit Manohar
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where DSRT
Authors Clinton Kelly IV, Rajit Manohar
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