

An Evolution Strategy Using a Continuous Version of the Gray-Code Neighbourhood Distribution

14 years 7 months ago
An Evolution Strategy Using a Continuous Version of the Gray-Code Neighbourhood Distribution
Abstract. We derive a continuous probability distribution which generates neighbours of a point in an interval in a similar way to the bitwise mutation of a Gray code binary string. This distribution has some interesting scale-free properties which are analogues of properties of the Gray code neighbourhood structure. A simple (1+1)-ES using the new distribution is proposed and evaluated on a set of benchmark problems, on which it performs remarkably well. The critical parameter is the precision of the distribution, which corresponds to the string length in the discrete case. The algorithm is also tested on a difficult real-world problem from medical imaging, on which it also performs well. Some observations concerning the scale-free properties of the distribution are made, although further analysis is required to understand why this simple algorithm works so well.
Jonathan E. Rowe, Dzena Hidovic
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Jonathan E. Rowe, Dzena Hidovic
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