

Exact boundary controllability of an abstract Mead-Marcus sandwich beam model

13 years 9 months ago
Exact boundary controllability of an abstract Mead-Marcus sandwich beam model
undary controllability of an abstract Mead-Marcus sandwich beam model Scott W. Hansen and A. Ozkan Ozer Abstract-- In this paper we prove the exact boundary conlity of an abstract beam system that is a generalization of a sandwich beam model due to Mead and Markus, [2]. ract model also includes multilayer generalizations proposed by Hansen [7]. Our method is based on standard energy multipliers and Hilbert's uniqueness method. We obtain exact controllability in an arbitrarily small positive time.
Scott W. Hansen, A. Ozkan Ozer
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CDC
Authors Scott W. Hansen, A. Ozkan Ozer
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