

ExperiScope: an analysis tool for interaction data

15 years 4 months ago
ExperiScope: an analysis tool for interaction data
We present ExperiScope, an analytical tool to help designers and experimenters explore the results of quantitative evaluations of interaction techniques. ExperiScope combines a new visualization incorporating aspects of the KLM and the three-state model with an interface helping users to rapidly cluster similar patterns of interactions. The tool makes it easy to identify and compare key patterns of use encountered during data collection. This promotes a deeper understanding of the results of a given evaluation. We illustrate the advantages of this tool by revisiting the data collected for an experiment conducted by Hinckley et al. [19] which compared different mode switching techniques. Our results show that our tool complements the previously reported results by offering insights about error behavior and the impact of mode switching on user performance. By providing a more fine-grained analysis of the data gathered during empirical evaluations, we hope that our tool will improve rese...
François Guimbretière, Ken Hinckley,
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CHI
Authors François Guimbretière, Ken Hinckley, Morgan Dixon
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