

Extension and application of a novel hardware-in-the-loop simulator design methodology

14 years 9 months ago
Extension and application of a novel hardware-in-the-loop simulator design methodology
— This paper builds on previous work on optimal methodologies for the design of numerical subsystems for non-linear, uncertain hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) simulators. Firstly, three important extensions to the existing methods are presented: the limitation to SISO systems is removed, allowing full MIMO design; a method for the design of an important and previously neglected component of the numerical system is described; and finally measurement noise and other unstructured uncertainty is tackled more rigorously and explicitly than previously. Secondly, as a case study the extended method is used to design a numerical system for a real HWIL simulator, and the results are shown to outperform those produced using classical design methods. The system used in the case study is a high-performance simulator for small aerodynamic objects that is in the final stages of development.
Monte Stuart MacDiarmid, Marko Bacic, Ronald Danie
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CDC
Authors Monte Stuart MacDiarmid, Marko Bacic, Ronald Daniel
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