

An Extension of the StarSs Programming Model for Platforms with Multiple GPUs

14 years 9 months ago
An Extension of the StarSs Programming Model for Platforms with Multiple GPUs
While general-purpose homogeneous multi-core architectures are becoming ubiquitous, there are clear indications that, for a number of important applications, a better performance/power ratio can be attained using specialized hardware accelerators. These accelerators require specific SDK or programming languages which are not always easy to program. Thus, the impact of the new programming paradigms on the programmer’s productivity will determine their success in the highperformance computing arena. In this paper we present GPU Superscalar (GPUSs), an extension of the Star Superscalar programming model that targets the parallelization of applications on platforms consisting of a general-purpose processor connected with multiple graphics processors. GPUSs deals with architecture heterogeneity and separate memory address spaces, while preserving simplicity and portability. Preliminary experimental results for a well-known operation in numerical linear algebra illustrate the correct adap...
Eduard Ayguadé, Rosa M. Badia, Francisco D.
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Eduard Ayguadé, Rosa M. Badia, Francisco D. Igual, Jesús Labarta, Rafael Mayo, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
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