Abstract. Being aware of the gap between technological offers and user expectations, the paper aims to illustrate the necessity of anthropocentric designs ("user-pulled") and to reveal the dangers of current ICT designs ("technologypushed"). Since the gap is deepened because of insufficient innovative use of new agent-oriented technology potential, an affordable manner to "invent new Computer-Aided x" application domains is proposed. To substantiate the approach, the domain must be challenging, easy to implement and "as humanist as possible": Computer-Aided Semiosis (CAS). On this background, the paper also presents a new and challenging concept in IT applied research, borrowed from psychology and meant to assist the process of semiosis: protensity. If the prior researches focused on images and implicitly on extensity (i.e. extensity versus image-based messages; protensity versus sound-based messages), the idea is to extend CAS through innovative...
Alina E. Lascu, Alexandru V. Georgescu