

Eye-balls: juggling with the virtual

14 years 4 months ago
Eye-balls: juggling with the virtual
The authors will introduce and demonstrate a novel computer vision based system for augmented performance. Unlike previous systems, which have primarily focused on `high art' forms such as modern dance, this system is designed for use during a juggling performance. The system allows a juggler to interact with a computer through their movements, and the movements of the balls, to create audio and visual projections which respond to their performance. This system has been designed in an iterative process involving amateur and professional performers, in order to create a system which is truly accessible. In particular, this project takes inspiration from mass market interactive entertainment and has been developed to only use commodity hardware and to be easily distributable, in order to allow it to be used within the small, self funded groups common in the circus arts community. Keywords Interactive art, performance, juggling, computer vision ACM Classification Keywords H5.m. Info...
Joe Marshall, Steve Benford, Tony P. Pridmore
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Joe Marshall, Steve Benford, Tony P. Pridmore
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